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Mis Vídeos

Age: 16
Location: UK


My brother. As far apart as we live from each other in the real world, I can't tell you how glad I am that we still talk every now and then. You've been there for me since the start of everything, ever since we used to laugh so much at IMVU vomit and stuff like that. To me, you're a friend and brother for life.
A close friend of mine who I'm very fortunate to still be in contact with. He's always stuck by me and been there when I need him, we've had some pretty good times. Thanks man.

More people who are special to me: HipHopPoet Seduisante Child ShawnPaulock Google BGPAINE MrWhite917 ArmageddonJak Savannahh12559 Divizzle ViktoriaCapetta

About Me


Welcome to my page! Please excuse how crazy and out of place it all is atm.

I don't come on IMVU anymore, I've pretty much quit and only ever check back rarely to talk to old friends who I'm still in touch with. But feel free add me or message me and I'll chat with you whenever I'm next online, which may be never. I also make products, they're ok I guess, but I'll let you decide on that. Go ahead and check them out.

Contacting Me

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