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My page is boring.
There isn't much about me. I remain a mystery to most and that's how it is going to stay. But there is a few things I will tell you. I love sour patch kids and I also like to be called Jin. I never give out my real name to anyone unless you are a close friend. I like to RP about anything and my role always switches so I can et more comfortable with other things. I am an okay person and I can be really quiet and here are some reasons why... Either you bore me, My short attention span has taken over, or I just don't feel like talking to you. Pretty simple facts. Also I play a two gender role but my real life gender is female. I try to have a sense of humor but sometimes it is way to much for people and they cant handle it and I call those people childish little kids with no life and soul. So that's all there is to know about me, Hope it was entertaining to read.
Love is for losers
I have no friends
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 Miembro Club VIP
Avatar desde: 2015-05-09
Estados Unidos - WI
Última conexión:

"I can be a better kind of best friend"

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Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Other
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Highly FreakQuested

26 posteados de 18 miembros
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65 posteados de 273 miembros
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Sinful Rejects

2 posteados de 1 miembros
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Girls Collection

2 posteados de 31 miembros
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friendly Amigos 292
visitors Visitantes 76
kharma Regalos 988
generosity Generosidad 174

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