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Avatar desde: 2006-08-08
Edad: 34
Estados Unidos - LA
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Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

When children have to play inside
so they don't disappear,
and private eyes solve marriage lies
'cause we don't talk for years.
And football teams are kissing queens
and losing sight of having dreams
in a world where what we want
is only what we want until it's ours...

Hello, and welcome to my page, there aren't any stickers (with exception to the one they provide for you), as you can probably see. Just a background, and music, not too creative, eh? Let's see, if you are here because you think that by befriending me you'll get something in return, then you're wasting your time. Sorry. I also, don't expect you to buy me anything from my wish list, it's set up to keep track of what I want. I do enjoy comments because I love meeting new people. I also love complimenting people, and checking out other people's pages.
Mi lista de deseos
Vera long black dressGrapeade Corset DressShort Layered BRUNETTE[M] 80 Doll  Dress LolaDiamond Twist Earrings
Helena - DressRose Paradise PierEerie Roller Coaster[M] 80 Doll Boots Lolaspacer
Mis Vídeos
Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 6
visitors Visitantes 334
kharma Regalos 4
generosity Generosidad 2

Alguien Especial
AmberxFaye no tiene a alguien especial.
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AmberxFaye doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
¡Mira a algunos grupos de IMVU! Comparte lo que te da la interés, lo que has hecho, consejos, chisme, historias, cualquier cosa y todo!
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Mi Sala
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If you want to get to know me, be my guest, I'm always up for a chat, if I'm on.

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