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Avatar since: 15/08/2006

Age: 52  18+ Edad Verificada Age Verified
United States - PA
Last log on:

Not tryin\' to be noticed, but I won\'t be ignored.
Estado Civil: Casado(a)

Ok so I'm back, but not regularly. There are still things like my family that require my time and mean more to me than anything else. So, if you see me online, invite me for a chat, and if you don't see me, you'll know I'm spending it with the people that mean the most to me. :) Yes I removed some people that I haven't chatted with in a long time. Don't take it personally if you're one of them, but if you haven't invited me for a chat in a long time, you were probably removed. If you'd like to remain on the buddy list, just leave me a message and I'll add you back.
Yes, RedEDevil made me look this good. He makes the best custom skins.

Lo que me interesa
Here are a few of my favorite IMVU Developers. Check out thier products.
Click here to see DeannLovesAlex Designs

Movies, music, poetry, basketball, football, aries, United States - PA, Stephen King, philadelphia, eagles, sixers
Alguien Especial
You're always going to be my special someone.
My Buddies

These are the most special friends in my life on IMVU. Love you all!

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