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I am TheiaOsrisCelticfox Goddess/Empress I control alot of elements Ice, Fire, Air, Wind, Water and Shadow. I am a shapeshifter of Vampire and Wolf Dragon. I also do alot of Magic and know how to heal and heal others. I control Light and Darkness. I am happily Married to CelticFoxAzrael, My Mother is RichieOsiris. I am a trained Assassin
Black thick gust would appear in the arena, as a shadow figure moves towards the opponient, no one can make out who the person was quit yet, with every step she takes the Black thick gust follows along with her, once she had appear infront of her opponient she being part light and dark Goddess/Empress, she had multiple powers that contained through her body, foremost, she can control all lights and darkness in her grasp, therefore she raised her hand causing a light shine through her palm causing the black thick dust to disappear in an instent, there infront of her opponient lays a sweet but very powerful Goddess/Empress wearing black strapless shirt, black shorts with handcuffs holding her belt together that she uses to cuff people that are in need of taking to her mentor for evaluation or to speak to, along with black see through nylons on opon her shoulders she wore a black padding like sweater, along with her black high heel boots, when the opponient checks out her face and hands she notice her hair is down short all black with a black mask to cover her demon teeth that could rip a soul out in an instant, on her arms was her thick black gloves she worn to not set the place iced over, what sticks out on her back seem to look like black Scabbards little do anyone knows she had them made with silver and steel with poisoning inside so if she would use them the opponient who she faces with would be poisoned, Asuna was a clever special type of creature she could control alot of powers that had been taught and handed down through blood of her past. Her Mother RichieOsiris passed down the Light and Darkness Goddess/Empress, she had plenty of abilities she could control Fire, ice, water, air, and shadow. Not only can she control abilities she can also transform into different creatures for example dragon, and wolf. But if she would chose three abilities to use in the fight she would pick shadow, ice and fire, due to that is what she was best at using. Her two basic form would be wolf and assassin due to it reminds her of how strong she was if she could handle the past she could handle this fight. Asuna looks around the arena, her eyes flashing white as a fade memory she knew that this arena had nothing to do with the memory going along her head but the swords on her back what was the rememberance of her beloved Mentor that she had for years, the one person that had taught her everything she needed to know, she knew in the back of her head he couldnt compare to the Mentor she has now, He had helped her win so many fights. Meanwhile in her memory that Asuna is having was when her Mentor was showing her how to use her abilities not for the bad but for the good speaking to her with a quote that she keeps with her when she needed the support or rememberance the Quote read as follows "Courage doesn't Always Roar, Sometimes it's The Quiet Voice at the End of The Day Whispering I will try again Tomorrow, Strong Women and men shed a tear for a moment but always pick themselves up and fight again without giving up no matter how tuff the situation is." A tear falls down her cheek, her eyes flashing back to her sparkly blue eyes, Asuna smacks her chest a couple of times reapeating the quote out loud three times, making her power grow stronger, after she had bult her strength up getting the courage that she needed she knew she had to be strong cause she was taking on her legacy of her sweet loving and caring Sullivan Osiris Kingdom that her Mother RichieSullicanOsirs had passed down to her she lets a grin through her mask as the opponient now sees a mist of black shadow things poping out of her mask looking like tiny little soldiers dancing around her to help boost her powers making her the stronger than she ever was not just her ability but her courage hoping that her Mentor was looking down at her watching and proud of who she became deafeatless, reason Asuna was deafeatless she never lost a fight in her entire life.
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It was love at first sight, I love you as high as I can reach, as far as I can see, to infinity and beyond, I am who I am because of you, My only wish is that you could see yourself through my eyes,Because My heart is where you are, you are the centre of my life it may not show it but to let you know i truly love you from bottom of my heart, your arms make me feel safe and loved
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brit, chaos, layla, rog, ~Novalist Assassin~ type of person you dont want to upset or mad. i have a little space i tend to go in majority of the time. My family: Kalis

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