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Avatar desde: 2007-11-15
Edad: 46
Última conexión:

"I am who I am. Love me or hate me, you won\'t change me."

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Winter Snowflake
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Yes, I will purge the list from time to time. If I deleted you it means we probably didn't talk much and I thought you wouldn't even notice. If I was wrong about it - let me know, I will be more than happy to re-add you.

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Theatre Hangout

80 posteados de 104 miembros
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Norse Mythology

309 posteados de 155 miembros
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creamy cocoa hair colorInnocence - B.B.!APY Dolly Tea!MzV! Dolly Honey n GrapLiquid Vortex - Ween
Liquid Vortex - Sil[C20]Cosmic-BlastSilvSeaSoft Black Junita(PI) Classic Black Gown[69s] SACHIYO derivable
(F) Child of MusikaStars BackgroundFire VortexFireworks ScreenShotsLighter Screenshot Room
*Pipa* Silver Claw RightRainbow with SkySD 5 Modeling Posesspacerspacer
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