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Avatar desde: 2007-06-19
Age: 40
Última conexión:

"GAZEROCK is not dead!"

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Lo que me interesa
Yeah, indeed... J-Rockers are weird. That's why I love them so much ^_^ V Gazetto backstage YAY =^_^= LOOOTS of fanservice You wanna tell me these are grown-up men??? MASK vs. Shulla ... The Ultimate Battle XD Ruki feels like losing his pants... NOTE: Please keep an eye on Ruki (the "little one" in the middle) D'espairsRay @ Like an Edison 2002 - They must have had too much already O_o -
anime, Drawing, manga, yaoi, J-Rock, drinking, final fantasy, doujinshi, bishounen, Shounen-ai, hunting pictures on the web
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ICHIBAN JPOP (Japanese popular music) CLUB

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BahamutZER0 no tiene a alguien especial.

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