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Avatar desde: 2006-03-19
Edad: 32
Estados Unidos
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Myspace Layouts and SO much more from WhateverLife.com! ♥
Hey heres a lil bit about me... The Names Brianna ({Learn it and Love it}) I don't put up with people's crap! and guess what? If u think im ugly AWESOME ur XUGLIERX I play volleyball which is awesome..[[#4]] I used to wrestle when I was little .. I freakin love Football<3 GO BUCKS! I love Basketball too so i guess i jus Love everything! I have AMAZING friends and only a couple on here but I hope that changes:)) && Please don't beg I wont get mad I would just rather not read it I live in the biggest HICKTOWN ever and do I love it Freakin right I do! More than any I love <3 Being Outside and playing mud it's just fun oh&& FOUR WHEELERS R THE FLIPPIN BEST!
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Buscando Por: Amistad
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