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 Miembro Club VIP
Avatar desde: 2006-09-20
Edad: 118
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"The Hell I Will!"

Ver Mis Álbumes (6)

Estado Civil: Casado(a)
Buscando Por: Conversar
Alguien Especial
Man of my life
Mi caja de arena
My ultra sexy Twin that I love with my heart MsCandyLiz
Mi Sala
We have the Rockettes! Drummers! Christmas Dances! Dancing Santa and Mrs. Clause! Skating! Poses everywhere for Photo shoots! Deer! Santa! Sleigh and ATLAS! Horse and Carriage ride! Saks Fifth Avenue! Ride Flying Reindeer! TV Room! Game Room! Coffee, Hot cocoa, Christmas Animated Dogs, Chat with drinks around Skating rink! Snowballs! Interact With Christmas Delights! Stroll up and down the avenue to Pose and Interact! A Christmas thief steals the Christmas turkey! And More! I am a native New Yorker and know the Fun and Majesty of the Old New York City, how to do it up right! The whole Stunning Astounding Experience is brought to you in Rockerfeller Center!
Mis Vídeos
Gente Nueva

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