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Avatar desde: 2007-02-15
Edad: 34
Reino Unido
Última conexión:

"RIP. Chellcbaybe GoneForGd. [OfIMVU] LeaveYoorRespectsHere."

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Hey, I have left IMVU, So On this day, my last day, I will be giving out a gift to all the people i have got on with while i have been on here Bye..
DontBother. Im Not On IMVU, Be Glad To Know, Im Sure I Would Of Been Yoor Friend If I Was Still On Here
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My Recent Visitors (0)
Haii Visitors Here yooh are, feel 3 2 start a 3D chat wid me, but i myt not be available, if i decline just add me and we will chat another day :P Hope yah like ma hp
Lo que me interesa
Mi Sala
My Shexxi pink rewm xxx
I luff these developerz xxx -=[LF]X-Klu-Sive Clothing[LF]=-
Click for more Cindyy Creations!

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