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Avatar desde: 2007-08-20
Edad: 30
Última conexión:

"The pleasures of heaven are with me and the pains of hell are with me."

Ver Mis Albumes (4)

Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
Alguien Especial
DarkCryingLady no tiene a alguien especial.

He used to be my sweet vampire. I loved him, almost a million years ago. "Vampirottolo, terroncino, 46dipiede, bistecchina".
Once upon a time... I loved him, but he's still a special person for me... and he always will. - Il primo amore non si scorda mai :) -
Grazie di tutto quello che abbiamo vissuto insieme. ♥
Mis amigos (24)
My Recent Visitors (0)
Mi lista de deseos
Nurse Payne : Hat*L™ Latex Posture Collar*L™ Bitten II.L. Club Plastic Silver.L. Club Dress Silver
.L. Club Dress Red.L. Club Plastic Violet.L. Mega Furry Violet*W* Xmas Red Ribbon!SM! Bicep Dagger R
|s| lilah bangs part 1HappyNess[P&P] The.NighT -Drs-:e vintage Vixenn: dazzling bronze /F
*pH* Ugolyn v2 Black!b JASMINE Black& Carlota Blackw| undercut | 2/2 | blckspacer
Lo que me interesa

fun, friends, dark, goth, metal, art, games, music, vampire, blood, night, science, manga, poetry, australia, photography, murder, violence, PC, gore, macabre, gaming, nerd, decadent, gothic, darkness, italian, girl, girls, suicidegirls, military, dress-up
Mis nuevos productos Ver todo
DCL ~ VittimeDCL ~ Wasting TimeDCL ~ It can't rain...
DCL} Dalla Vita [Black]DCL{ This is ARMAGEDDON

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