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Avatar desde: 2005-07-30
Edad: 32
Última conexión:

"OPAIGA IPAI xD (c) Lambo"

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Guest_Cherrylips no tiene a alguien especial.

Chi to the D <3
God made us best friends cuz he couldn't handle us being sisters^^ MIIINE ALL MINE I TELL YA!>:D I just wanted to say that chu r the most precious person to me in the whole world n_n Chu always help me no matter what! I never had such keWl, adorable, funneh friend like yeW! Thank yeW for everythin' my sweet honey:3 Want teW heart her? Silleh!^^ -breaks ur head- ^3^

KYAA! He's awsooome! My bestie on imvu:D Cares about me luffs Larry from dancing sushi:D So fuck off he's taken!(not by me, lol) raaaWr..wuff chu Bishie!^3^ -hugz- Want teW hurt him? C this thingy? n_n -shows her gun- I think yeW got it!;]

Sleepin’ beauty aka IchiGo ^3^
Ichigoo^^ kyuut, funneh, aWsome, always busy &&& strawberry maniac(just like meh,laWl).Chu allways make me happy! But chu r not on often now T^T So i miss chu && wuFF yeW! *Mega bear huG*
friends are like colors of the rainbow; unique & brilliant alone, but perfect & awesome w h e n t o g e t h e r x3 Photobucket

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