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Obtener este badge Harley1979
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Avatar since: 17/12/2007

United States - FL
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Cogito ergo sum.
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Due to recent updates to IMVU, many of my derivable products are not working correctly. Neither is my computer. I apologize for the trouble. Right now I can't even return a message because I have to "sign in to 3D chat at least once to send a message" and my computer just won't do it. I am also in the process of moving 2000 miles away from where I live now. When I get there, I am planning on getting a new computer so I can get back on here and fix what IMVU has broken. I apologize for any issues and look for me to be back around end of September.

Update - October 14: Now that I have finished moving and have gotten my computer fixed...twice...I found out that I will probably not be able to fix my broken item and because of the computer problems, I don't have the original files to re-submit them. I will, however, be rebuilding them. This will take time, though. If you find an item that you want to derive from that is not working, let me know and I will try to get to it sooner. I may not be able to let you know when its fixed, jut because of the amount of work it will take and the number of messages I have been getting. Please check the 'broken' item's page for a link to the fixed version if it is done. Sorry again, but I'll do my best to fix it.

NuVera Online - 3D Virtual Chat for Grown-ups
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