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Avatar since: 28/12/2005

Age: 34
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Im 17 Not 19 ;]]
Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Conversar
Hii ^^ ,. Hmm, What can i tell about myself? My real name is Chantal but pls just call me Chann n_n My Age is not correct, im not 19 years im 16 =] My Birthday is on the 16th of December.. I have Brown haar ^^ and Green Eyes.. I have a Cat... Miauw! ^^ His name is Thomas.. n_n I love Music, I Can't Live without it! <33 My Favorite persons in the world are,, Audrey Kitching, Hannah Beth, Tashi Techno and of course Kiki Kannibal <33 They are just Awesome! Right now im not working XD Im just a schoolgirl.. I study Administration.. It's Really boring but oke.. I Always Sing! Thats just one thing i realllyyyy Love to do! My friends and Family think i have a great voice but im to scared to show it to the world or something ^^ I think this is enough information for now.. and if you have any questions just ask me ^^ Feel Free to Add me .. I wont bite ^^ (hard).. If you came her to Yell at me or call me an Emo.. Then i have one thing to say.. F*CK YOU!!!!! =D
Mi lista de deseos
(Ð) ThickerBottomLashes[txc] iDazzle Smoke (F)*pH* Galie Brunette!F~ *White Crochet UggsScene Colorful Bracelets
EMO SCENE diamond>3* Bolt,pincrimson!!Holly's Top!BIGGER SNAKEBITES!'Verse Eyes Blue
[S*K] Devil Red EyesGreen brown yellow eyes[SYN]SkinnyJeans-PurpleLox™ Jeans : White [B]{G} Chic Black Outfit
$EB TankTube Grey~Chain Skirt Pinkspacerspacerspacer
Alguien Especial
Because she is just freaking awesome! ^^


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