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Avatar desde: 2007-05-08
Edad: 32
Estados Unidos - OH
Última conexión:

"até amanhã meu amor"

See My Albums (5)

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Hey I'm Yashi or Kai either one works for me. I'm just gonna tell alittle about myself 1. XD I love Video games >.> yes I'm a girl player but I kick butt Don't under estimate female players! 2. I'm really shy but if I get to know me, you can't get me to shut up >.> thats what people say anyway. 3.I love to draw manga but I learned on my own ( no books,teachers,or website help) so it's not perfected.I can only draw girls I'm trying to work on boys. 4. I'ma huge anime fan!! but I can't watch it all the time cuz my mom stops me sometime. 5.I'm really interested in Japanese culture. I also wish to learn how to speak it fully.I learned alittle bit on my own. 6. Love talking to people and designing stuff but my computer doesn't have the right format it needs to be in to be made. T_____T but it looks really cool. 7.I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE TALK TO ME LIKE I'M BENEATH THEIR FEET. DON'T ACT LIKE YOUR BETTER THAN ME! IF YOU DO AND YOU KNOW IT STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! 8. DON'T FILL UP MY MAIL WITH USELESS, UTTERLY DISGUSTING, OR CHAIN LETTERS OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND OR REPORTED!
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
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Photobucket -.- it's rare to get something from me u have to a really good friend XD and I have to find a way to get some credits -.- there is no way to get every single one of my friends something so I give things to people I talk to a lot XD sorry
friendly Amigos 21
visitors Visitantes 340
kharma Regalos 45
generosity Generosidad 22

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Mi Sala
black and white anime Pictures, Images and Photos
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Friday the 13th is a perfect day... For breaking up with Mr/Ms Wrong. Face it, there's no really good day for that, but the fact that this Friday the 13th falls the day before Valentine's Day makes it all the more apt for calling things quit. Best thing is, you don't have to use the "it's not you, it's me" line. You can say "it's not you, it's Friday the 13th and beyond anyone's control." And they'll buy it, because deep down inside they want to believe that.
Naruto funnyTeam 7
Alguien Especial
Brother!! ^w^

myspace codes
Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
My Recent Visitors (0)
black and white anime Pictures, Images and Photos
Mis amigos (21)
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics I wish most of these guys didn't get disabled XD I love talking to them o.o I still wanna know what they did. lol
Mi caja de arena
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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