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Hello And Welcome To My Webpage Stalker~
Please enjoy your stay and i hope you enjoy my music choice and anime choices! My YouTube player is auto played but please feel free to pause or stop it if you don't like it.

~Warning Neko Beyond This Point, You Have Been Warned.~
# キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!!

About Me~
Call me Kitty, Rayne, or Kayden. I am 20 years old. I am always open to making new friends and having people to talk to. I tend to dress either furry or neko but mostly neko cause I like looking human but have my ears and tail. I am open minded person and try to give people a chance to get to know me and such. I am normally with friends if I'm in public room but only one main room. I have my locator off but send me a message asking whats up. Oh I like to say meow a lot randomly just so you know! MEOW!!!!

Random Facts~
*Kitties are cute
*I like being neko
*I like meowing a lot randomly
*I am cuddle bug
*Furries are amazing
*Dancing is fun when you know what to do

♥♥♥My Boyfriend/Daddy♥♥♥
-Place Holder-

♥♥My Friends♥♥
Ryu best friend/brother
Suko best friend/Papa
Wolf (aka Laura) best friend/Sister
Sky best friend/annoying brother
Lily best friend
Kae best friend
Xaiver (aka Ty) best best friend

Protected By


Name - Kitty

Date Of Birth:
13/AUG/1996 (20)

Relationship Status:

#Neko For Life!
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