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Avatar desde: 2006-07-02
Edad: 32
Última conexión:

"Hey .. Thankies for visiting .. ;) .. 3"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

She was named Nadia
But she answers to Dia
Took her first breath on the 10/12/92
Looks through brown eyes
Straightens && styles brunette hair && curls
She struts around Norway in size 38 (in Norway)
Estado Civil: Soltero (a)
Well Add me because I love to have another friend to chat too =P.. <3
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Mi lista de deseos
Well Gifties are so shweet to people who buy them for mweee i will lurve chu forever *sniffles* <3 <3 <3 .. In return you get marshmallows =P <3 >
Mis Vídeos
Alguien Especial
She are a cute and Nice Gurl =)
She are one of my Best friends <3
And i Always here for you if you need me.
Mis grupos ¡Revisa los grupos de IMVU!
Imagen de Grupo
Anim@l Lovers :D

1048 posteados de 824 miembros
Imagen de Grupo
HipHop, RAP

363 posteados de 1056 miembros
My Recent Visitors (0)
Please leave a message or maybe a gifty for mwoi dont be shy <3
Gente Nueva

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