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Avatar desde: 2007-05-24
Edad: 38
Estados Unidos - MO
Última conexión:


Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

I am 22 years old and a mother of 2 wonderful girls. I have been in a relationship for 5 years with their father. I am a developer. I don't have many products yet as I am just learning. I will not tolerate anyone who is rude or nasty. I am here for friends only, not a relationship as I am already in one, and I am not here for sex. So please respect me and my wishes and I will show you the same courtesy. hp photo
Estado Civil: En una Relación
Buscando Por: Amistad
Alguien Especial
kymsdarkrose and PantheraUncia my mother,and my sister. I love you both, though you aren't my biological family it doesnt mean I don't love you both the same. Mom thank you for being there for me the past 4 or so years and guiding me when i needed it. Sis, I have only known you a short time..but hope to know you for many years to come. Lots of love from your daughter and your sister. Blessed Be
Mi lista de deseos
[oly] Red Hot Vampired4! Vampire DenaRuby Elegance GownEmerald Elegance GownBlood Vampire
R Wiccan Moving Wings[GW] Fledgling Vampire-FLIZ vampiress gownMy Immortal Gownd4! Vampire Goddess
~Lu SSTAK Couch 1~Lu SSTAK Bed 1~Lu SSTAK Energy Bar~Lu SSTAK Table 1~Lu SSTAK Dining Table 2
~Lu SSTAK RugMaiden Elegance GownGothic Maiden EleganceLIZ Silhouette gown~SM~ Vampire Arleen

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