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Avatar desde: 2007-02-18
Age: 42
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Love is measured in smiles and hugs"

Ver Mis Álbumes (3)

Alot has to be done, and It will... one day at a Time... one Piece at a Time.
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Mmm... More Bunnies.. You can try to be like me.. BUT theres only ONE ME! :) **Hugs and cuddles**
Mi lista de deseos
Greetings Thank You For Coming To My Page. This Is My Wish List, If you like you may buy me my things, but my list is so i do not forget what I want most :) Thank you
Motoko EyesMotokoGlove%) 70+ Sunshynie VoicesDeepest Blood Gown[V4NY] *Oh Yeah*
ML Patient RestrainerWhtButtoned Fishbone Ch[DR]Med Lab Hospital BedKD White Leather ChairCantilevered white chair
[DR] Med Lab Gurneyspacerspacerspacerspacer
Mis Vídeos
Alguien Especial
This is My fucktoy. My personal pet. Who I Love, and Care for. I will let No one Take My fucktoy away from me. She is Mine, and I am her Mistress and Loning Owner. This is to be So untill My fucktoy no longer needs me. Which I know will never Happen for We Need eachother. We understand eachother, and care for eachother. We are family, and she is Mine. so do Stay Away From My Fucktoy.
Mi Sala
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The Rosicrucian: Rose Cross

119 posteados de 12 miembros
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The Furry Gang (18'S OVER ONLY)

55 posteados de 48 miembros

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