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Lo que me interesa
Namess Dominique. [dom-mahh-neek].
[ii]blow mi candless Outt septemberr 15thh,mark yer calenderss.
iim Juhs beqinninq 2 fiind Out whO mi Real frendss are. TRUST is a biiq thiinq 2 mee & iOnlyy trustt a feww.
UnfOrtunatly iHave a Fake smh. whatt a fuckiin lame. iim sOrry yer nOt mee darliinq. http://www.myspace.com/x_iq0tthatq00dq00d
I dOn;t need yuu 2 jugde me, im nOt a cOntest.
i say wht i feel bcuss theres nO room 2 keep it inside Of me
I GOTTA BiiG eqO..yhea iknO.
Beautyy lies in tha eyes of thaa jealous girl whO dOesnt wanna admit she enviess yuu (;, keepiinq mi name Out yer mOuthh iif yu dOnt kno mee iis whts bestt
i've changedd 4 thaa better,nOt 4 thaa wOrst. im juhs figurinq Out who i am sO keep uhp.
i dOn;t take life sO seriOusly kcuz nO1 ghets out aliive anyway.iLive with nO reqretss!
iim nOt yer averaqe chickk, very differentt
iim nOt perfect,i'll say mean things &take themm bacc,buht thts y yuu lOve me.
i nvr let thaa actiOnss of anOtherr make mee Or break me & i nevrr let a single persOnn shake me because hOnestly, i dOn;t giive a fuck whO hates mee.<3
flyy highh Or ghet fleww Overr -jimjOnes
;;;mahh iphone on thaa left//mahh goons on thaa right (;
.. dOms x sO x flY OR sheXgotitXbad [
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Alguien Especial
NiiQueFabb no tiene a alguien especial.

eh'um...where tha fxc du i start! thiis is mi lOvely kuzzin teana. {yes,blood}. ilOve her. shes mi legs [nvr herd tht 1 b4,its exclusiive] lOl. uhmm; yea but shes mi legs so without herr i'd fall flat on mi face. iif i have problems i always gO 2 her & wen i lukk uspet thaa first thiing she says is "want me 2 kick his ass?!" lmao. sO yeaa i'll always b there 4 yuu. even iif a fat b*tch is chassiin afta yuu wit stalletoes & a liqiourr bottle. (=
iite yo,yea b, this mi buzzin lOl j//k thiis is mi kuzzin lala & only i have tha riite 2 kall her la (= shes lOcO. me&her stay beiinn' retartedd. shes thaa type 2 have me laffin at sumthiin tht happend a year ago. yea, shes juhs tht funny. ilOve yuu mOre thann spongebob lOve jellyfishiin' & thts kummin frum thaa heart <3
mi yunginn sistaa brandii.[YES,REAL SISTERR] yeaa yu miite Of herd abOut us b4 kcUz we b On thaa ave gettin lite. iim D-Lite & she T-head. lOl truu stOry. i'll take a bullet 2 thaa head 4 this wOmann. &iif yuu try...or even have thaa slytis ideaa Of gettiin at her i will slice off yer manhood lmaO. j//k . SHE LYKES LONG WALK ON THE BEACH. lOl. ilOve yuu vedy vedy muchh. lyke earnie lOves bert. [thaa end]
rahhhhhh (= nOt much tahh say relle buhh ilOve thiis guy. mi cuzzin//bestie//faghet lOl he's mad cool buht he needs tah lay Off thaa drugs.lmao. j//k. luv thiis damn fOol (=
OH Shit mi lOserface dasiah! lOl i thiink it's thaa way yuu make mehh laff, Or thaa way you make me smile.buhtt wateverr it is yer thaa best (= i knO yuu thiink im sycho & shit but its all gud lOl. ilOve yuu. yuu always kno thaa riite thiings 2 say, yOu'll always be mi bestfriend [ kcuz yuu kno a little tOo much ] lol. (=
thiis is mi fren ashley.(= shess mi lil imvu buddy. lOl met herr a while bacc & yeaa we still cOol. shes mad sweet &i nvr get tired Of her personality. i lukk Out 4 herr mOst Of thaa time kcUz shes mi ashley (=

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