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Avatar desde: 2006-02-11
Age: 37
Estados Unidos
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"Wanna ride big boy?"

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Hi there you homepage browsers my names Shanitra. I will gladly chat with you so long as you use ur manners and any type of disrespect will not be tolerated and you will be blocked and I will leave, also BE ADVISED IF YOU HIT ME I WILL HIT YOU BACK AND I WILL TAKE A PICTURE TO IMMORTALIZE YOUR HUMILATION. Now you all have a nice day now ttfn. I love you Mugen, I am Mugen's number 1 fan.
Music Video Codes by VideoCure
free spin code http://es.imvu.com/catalog/web_spinfree.php
Mis amigos (4)
Does anyone know where i can get some anime music web codes I've been looking forever >.<
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¡Mira a algunos grupos de IMVU! Comparte lo que te da la interés, lo que has hecho, consejos, chisme, historias, cualquier cosa y todo!
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thank you in advance and by the way MySpace Graphics, MySpace Layouts, MySpace Glitter Graphics, Online script, MySpace Goodies at WWW.DOLLIECRAVE.COM
Midnight MaryJanes v1Yumi Wonder Hair - Raven~M~ Bfly Bleak/ChalkPurple RoseMidnight Eyes
~M~ Bfly Chalk/JayYumi Jeans - RavenSilver Dolphin NecklaceBlack HeelsNiobe Crystal
Yumi Lowtails Ravenspacerspacerspacerspacer
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