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Avatar desde: 2007-05-04
Edad: 33
Estados Unidos - NC
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Alguien Especial
Noelle21 no tiene a alguien especial.
!Kendra Bby!
I also have another awesome friend u might as well call her my sister. Her name is kendra and i love her to death. Seems like ive known her for forever. We talk about anthing and everything. Heh and so far shes the only person tht i still have in my life that i can talk to for 6 hours straight laughin and gigglin till the end of the call. She may live states away but i doesnt matter its just a place. I love u baby lotz ima add more later

Tyler is one of the best people ever and one of the coolest. I am somewhat proud to call him my friend lmfao. Im just playin i love this dude right here. He always makes me laugh. Yeah were like brother and sister. We pick on each other all the time seems like which i find funny. We fight all the time but i enjoy it lol. Apparentley we talk to each other when were bored hahah but its all good. Hes blondie(inside joke). He's kinda rough around the edges but hes ok once u get to kno him better. Im never bored when i talk to him. But yeah love ya blondie :p.

Hmm... Thinkin.... Oh yeah uhm Aweshumness right here! I love her to bits and pieces. We can talk for hours just blurting out the most random things tht pop into our ity bity heads. :) she makes me happy heh! Im not quite sure when i met her but oh man! what a mess that was lolz. Shes oh so fashionable. Bcuz this is why shes HAWT! hahah love you Ducky.
Mi lista de deseos
[S] Zara.Jacket㏗ SEPTIMA BLOND㏗ Delah Blond㏗ Kardashian 9 Blond㏗ Valente Blond
[S] Style.Girl Shoes{HR} The Minaj Pumps2G3. Black n' Gold PLatf[N] Secrets .PltB| Black Socks F
-M- Black| Toms2G3. Pinki HeelsGA| Bred 11 '12 F[N] NO!Limit .Boots[S] LoVe.Liness Boots
WHITE SEXYspacerspacerspacerspacer

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