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Avatar desde: 2007-10-07
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"[[: HMH :]]"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Hi :]
I'm Nolan.
I'm NOT 90.
I'm 17.
I did NOT make my avi pic.
My girlfriend designed my profile... and fixed it after I messed it up :p
I rarely get on here, and I never go on the messenger.
(I'm either too tired or too busy)
But if you leave a message, I have enough decency to reply.
I Develop, check out my products :p
Wanna chat?
Please leave a message.

Estado Civil: Otro
Mis nuevos productos Ver todo
M.S. Bubble StickerBlack&Lime AudreyEmo bunny stickerVomiting rainbowsRainbow Tree SceneKitteh face is cuteness
My Recent Visitors (0)
Alguien Especial
Mi lista de deseos
Do want these.
Buy for me plox?
MY COOKIEEE! D:¦- Still Falling.[GZ] BLK 2 Kira Bangs#Black KAULITZ#Lg Star Tattoo
-[Immortal RomancE]--[Soloist RangeR]-[GZ] Pkmn Pikachu Pket M-[::Dis$ymmetry::]-#3-D Glasses [m]#
[M] Pocky Chocolate-[Black Maniac Jeans]-+Ink+ P U L S E :: Jeansx. M Git Pipes[JP] Monsters T-Shirt
[Short] MSI TopD-Att!tudespacerspacerspacer

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