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Avatar since: 09/06/2006

Age: 34
United States - MI
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Bite me.....Ouch!
Estado Civil: Casado (a)
Buscando por: Amistad
hey wuz up all Iam Noran and iam a party animal! well let me see i can tell you about me! iam funny nice and a carring person but do not tell people that plz. i grow up in michigan ok some may ask where is michigan well its in the US(united states). Ok then well...umm oh iam a year younger thenwhat this thing says (not my mistake *points to best freind*) i was born on June 30th 1991. my fav. music is Rock and roll i dont have a Fav. band because I like so many different bands:) if i had to make a list it would be Ozzy ac*dc guns and roses etc. alot of the famous bands.Well if there is any more things you want to know about me we and chat i open must of the time ;) If you like to party! if you like to dance! if you like movies! iam your Man!!!!! ok heres the thing dudes why try fighting me iam a man with a plan! that is why i have many girls on me buddies list there is only like 3 guys i have came across that did not try fighting me on is my best freind MrGexx one is a a good freind Ashone there is two more Darkalucard368 and Leski sorry i lied yea i know i lied there is four dudes but i hope you get my point right?!!!
You Are 100% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!
Mi Sala
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]

You are a Ninja.
You are like a samurai gone bad. The good side is no longer interesting you and feel that darkness is where you belong. Though you may think you are the evil one, you're not. Because deep inside there is still that little glimpse of who you once were. You don't like to associate with people that much and keep away. In your mind they are ignorant and not so interesting anyway. That means you are a lonley person who don't trust people, and you have really no desire to do so either. Life is a big pain and annoyance for you and you aren't quite sure on how to handle it. Other people see you as mysterious and secretive, and that is probably right.

Main weapon: Daggers and throwing stars
Quote:"I hate people. People make me pro-nuclear" -Margaret Smith
Facial expression: Frown
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Mi lista de deseos
hello this is my wishlist !! if you want you can get something off it for me or see what looks good and you and go find yourself!! but you do get me a gift i would really love it i would thank you more times then i think
Who is your anime girl and what is her status?

A HELPING HAND - The reliable girl.You're everything anybody could ask for. You are sweet, kind, generous and always willing to help out--not to mention very pretty indeed. Your partner is extremely lucky to have you. You'll do anything for your partner; from keeping him/her out of the rain to indulging his/her strange hobbies. And you're still just that little bit shy, which makes you all the more gorgeous.You will never be any less or any more beautiful to your one than you are now; you're perfect. Your true love can fall back on you, and you on him/her. Your relationship is wonderful.
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What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]

You are an assassin.
That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.

Main weapon: Sniper
Quote:"The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn
Facial expression: Narrowed eyes
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J|Black Tank Top(S) MediEvil Lord -D-spacerspacerspacer
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Devil or Angel?

Black Devil
You'd be a black devil... All evil, love to have fun... do what you like, when you like... and no one can do anything about that... You do not care and laugh at people's pain...

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

friendly Amigos 13
visitors Visitantes 358
kharma Regalos 26
generosity Generosidad 9

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Are you the wolf or the lion?

You're the wolf... You enjoy the moonlight, but are more active during the day. Your element is mysterious water, and solid ice, your season is Winter, although Autumn is also quite yours, your colors are silver, gray. black and blue. You are humble and independant, but very loyal and understanding. You are quiet but strong and intelligent, thoughtful and clever. You work together well with many people, and know how to lead them. You are very faithful and wise, and also mysterious.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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Alguien Especial
Noran no tiene a alguien especial.
Lo que me interesa
Anime pictures!!!^_^ (15 reults)
What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Werewolf:

The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths. You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which makes you warm and caring to those you love.

Strengths: Protection is a number one priority, and therefore you always gaurd the ones you love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates. Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also expect it from the ones who are close to you.

Flip Side: Even though you care for those you love deeply, if they betray you, anger races through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up for itself if need be. You would have no problem hiding your anger if something sets you off balance.

Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

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My interests are random...
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Azureline Kingdom Forged Empire

71 posteados de 19 miembros
My Recent Visitors (0)
Hey!! thanks for visiting me my hp!!
Are you, cute,geeky or hot? anime pics!!!

you r hot you r unbelieviblely hot oh my god your burning up the room!!!!
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Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]

Your soul was born in Fire.You're element is of course Fire and just like it, you're hot tempered and passionate. You're very protective of your friends and you're always on the go. You like to be in the centre where it all happens and you love attention. If you wouldn't need to sleep you'd be out all night, just running around in the city and having a great time. Be careful so you don't exhaust your friends! They might not be as energetic as you. You don't have to be on the run all the time. Life will catch up with you sooner or later and you won't gain anything from running from it. Be careful with what you do. You have a tendency to jump into things without thinking about the consequences and that can hurt you in the end.
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Mis amigos (13)
hey there meet my friends, buddies, and best friends
What would you look like if you were anime?(Girls+Boys)

You have black hair, and you are prob. the guy all the girls want. but you are a little picky on what type of girl you want to date.
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