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Avatar desde: 2006-09-17
Estados Unidos - OR
Última conexión:

"I’m into cute things, games, anime, weed, and food xD"

Ver Mis Álbumes (3)

I like treats and gifts. I'm a stoner chick. I like 80s/90s grunge and pop rock music mostly. I draw furry art and some anime-ish pin ups.
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
Mi lista de deseos
::EZ:: Junie jacketŁ|+A EML Holiday PJ'sOUTFITS >> LENICE <<Naughty Christmas RL[P]Reindeer Outfit
Bleach BlondeALMA.req★ Black Paw Socks FW! Rang I Antlers★ Good Morning | Pants
🎃 Spice | Outfit F✖️ Riot | Shirt F★ Lavi | Ears 1★ Lavi | Tail 3🌼 Mori | Egg Basket
🌼 Mori | Ears 2★ Drawing Headsign F🌼 Mori | Ears 5calf warmersYALLA Teddy Hoodie DRV

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