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Avatar desde: 2005-11-23
Age: 47
Estados Unidos - NJ
Última conexión:

"Have A Chaotic Day !"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Estado Civil: Casado(a)
Buscando Por: Conversar
Mi lista de deseos
(bbc) ATL-black- bundleDEATHSKILLZ VEST*HS*FOOLISH KICKS($)new era NY cap/orangeNY HATS(PRO)
[r84] Rayo Dreds 1[r84] Blk Yankee Cap 1Scarface NY Hatx2 Yellow black nike*HS*FOOLISH FLIPING HAT
{NY}Yankees Jersey[r84] Blk&Gold King Cap[JKR] RED YANKEES VAR.[LF] Valentizzle T-HatFitted NY Cap wit DuRag2
(bbc) ATL-green- bundle(e) Red New York Fitted2spacerspacerspacer
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The Vu Crew

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Sonz Of Ipswitch

3 posteados de 2 miembros
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990 posteados de 54 miembros
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I'm back! sorry I have been otherwise occupied with other things. I missed all my friends on here and I believe eventually I will get back into making stickers and developing. Thank You for all the Compliments on my Page and those of my friends that i have done backgrounds for.
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