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Avatar desde: 2005-12-11
Edad: 36
Última conexión:

"It\'s hard not to love me."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Estado Civil: En una Relación
Buscando Por: Amistad
Mi lista de deseos
This is my Wish List. I will NEVER beg or ask for things but if someone ever wants to get me something this is what it is here for.
(Ð) Blk Ruffle Bow DressWhite Top Plz*BubbleGum Pop(Ð) Sugar Floss ~Chisuzu(Ð) Sugar Floss ~Lindsay
ANN Modern Loft Bundle[m] Gum VictoryVenom Top Plz(SK)White Pet Cat(Adult)Wicked Hazelnut Nina
Froth PrincessWicked Hazelnut KimikoBWicked Hazelnut ArachniaSigP2 Crystal HeelsWicked Hazelnut Jenn
*00*Her Royal CastleCoral Medspacerspacerspacer
Mis Vídeos
Alguien Especial
PrincessTia no tiene a alguien especial.
I love chatting and meeting new people so if you would like to chat with me just leave me a message and we'll chat for sure.
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Mis amigos (62)
I love friends and meeting new people so free to add me to your friends list just let me know so I can add you too. Thank you for visiting, I hope you left a nice msg!
My Recent Visitors (0)

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