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Hmm, If you don't like the music. then just hit the PAUSE button to ease your pain.

Okay, so I have been gone for a while (written 3/10/10) and I have recently gotten hooked on photo-shop cs4. And I would have to say that I am really talented in image manipulations. Now I'm not talking about this Imvu default picture stuff (although I could make a really stunning pic) I'm talking about the real stuff like the real legit photography stuff. Recently I have been asked to make a Banner for a band (friend of mine irl) that is making some stuff to record a EP(demo CD, just not with alot of songs). So if anyone wants to see what I have done lately, just let me know okay. Either by email(ask me for it in a private message please) or just ask for a link on here. Thank you for reading, and btw just taking a look at my work and letting me know what you think about it is a reward enough as it is.
So My name is Brandon and I am gleefully taken. He has done a lot for me emotionally. And haha honestly...there is nothing that can really describe him. But I do know something that does describe our being together.....REDEFINED LOVE<3!!

Here is Joey's page. Please gift one of us.

Also, the outfit below consist mainly of products from the creator: Yaoi. Very, very good products (more male than female)!

Yaoi's catalog

Mi lista de deseos
[:3] C H I M E Bunn Tail[:3] C H I M E BunnEars[:3] C H I M E TailZ7 Aeon:Stardust MZ7 SanctumWings
$EB Pretty Boy Skin M$(y) M. Angel(y) M. Stripes|Blue(y) M. Stripes|LGrey(y) M. Furrs|Black
(y) M. Furrs|Iced(y) M. Bunny|Blck Tailω» Blonde Archidω» Pink Eyes Mω» Black Archid
[KZ] Browser:: Firefox|O_o|K- Rainbows?spacerspacerspacer
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