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Hey Welcome To My Page :) Name: Milton A. Moreno Status: Single! <3 Location: At Ur Mommas House! History: Born On 1993, January 14 :D So Gifts On That Day :) Contact: Myspace.com/miltonmoreno412 Facebook: mltnmrn@yahoo.com Aim: miltoncrazy159 Msn: miltonmoreno412@hotmail.com #: 786-352-**** If U Want To Kno More Bout Me.. Just Invite Me And We Can Talk :)
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Mi lista de deseos
Bright Angel Wings M/FDark Wings M/F[Hot] Guns - Dragon 6Itachi Mangekyou!M! Fire Armor Hidden W
ICO Dual EVEs Msealed dual swordsThrowing Knife[SaT]Dual Daggers3ICO Love Grenade M
ICO Reaper M1911 MSasuke Kusinagi Sword[DJKWD] WISIN & YANDEL $Mangekyou Hybrid (LE)Slanted Ninja Headband
Chidori Power [animated]spacerspacerspacerspacer

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