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Avatar desde: 2006-06-29
Age: 52 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
Estados Unidos - OH
Última conexión:

"Not giving away my account asshole. "

Ver Mis Albumes (4)

Crap, I broke my page!
Relationship Status: Divorced
Looking For: Friendship
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AshGalaxusGalaxusLassMonoGalaxusCartoon Rainbow PezAuburn MarilouEmbellished Rudelle
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Shira no tiene a alguien especial.
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I love my lurkers! If you lurk, I lurk. He lurk, she lurk, everyone lurk. Yay! *grins* Come on guys, don't be shy. I don't know what you look like in real life anyway. *grins mischieviously* Say hi, leave even a ~ I don't care. Say something though. Have a good day. Addendum; Bah, forget it. Don't leave a message. It's nice to see that I have repeat lurkers though. So, have a good one and come back. :)
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