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Avatar desde: 2007-06-11
Age: 39 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
Estados Unidos - MN
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"Make sense? What fun is there in makeing sense?"

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How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)

You were killed during a mission or while trying to protect someone and you died with honor. you never regretted what you did and you are a very brave and strong individual. You know what is right and you are willing to stand up for it. Even if it means death.
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What type of warrior are you?

Soldier -- You're a soldier! You fight with the rest of your companions in your legion. You are not a leader, and some would call you common and dispensable but you're not! You are the core of any great army. Without good soldiers an army and indeed a country would be nothing and would be defenseless. You are trustworthy, courageous, and willing to die to protect your people. And everyone should support you!
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What type of magic do you wield? (8 results + pics)

The Vivomancer
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What is your Weapon of Choice?

Sword...You believe in honour and tradition, and think that even when fighting there are rules which must be obeyed. You don't kill unless you have to.
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Mi lista de deseos
Lf,Rave techno dance PSDisco Dance10 elastic dance 05 mixRock DancingSingles Dance
RG..Party Heart[IT] Amnesia Dance ClubKBs XXL Vinyl Scratch♥Cyn Octavia hairOctavia poster {Wide}
Vinyl ScratchOctavia & Vinyl ScratchBaby Vinyl scratchspacerspacer

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