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Avatar since: 20/12/2006

Age: 35
United States - CA
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Hey ^.~ I'm here to make friends. I am loyal, kind and friendly.
Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket She asked him if he liked her; he said no. She asked him if she was pretty; he said no. She asked him if he wanted her; he said no. She asked him if he would cry if she walked away; he said no. So she turned and walked away, trying not to cry... He grabbed her arm and said... I don't like you, I love you... You're not pretty, you're beautiful... I don't want you, I need you... And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die...^-^
Marionette Dress!S Bikini | Crm | RLLBlack Widow Hooded Cloak❥ Clasic Denim Jacket.oneway RLL
mm. Alegra Outfit RLLingerie Just 4 Him RLLKISA|LolitaWitchDressKISA|LolitaWitchShoesTribalButterflyTattoo
[hd] 5-person Pose Mat[hd] 10 Anime Poses #2[ACS] TENDER KISS5 Anime Posesspacer
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!!Punks and Emos!! rock on

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