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Avatar desde: 2007-11-11
Edad: 34
Reino Unido
Última conexión:

"Lets go fly a kite... up to the highest height!!"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

There he stands my deity, The one I love, the one who loves me, I can not help, but to stop and stare, At the beauty that’s stood there. He holds my hand, my heart, and my life, He will be there, through joy and strife, He is my rock, and my roll, My love for him, it fills my soul. I am his and he is mine, Destined together forever, For all of time.
Estado Civil: En una Relación:
Mi lista de deseos
Mohawk Rainbow (F){fey}zebracorn iron fistW! Abra-ka-Zebra: Tail!W! Infinity HornW! Abra-ka-Zebra: Ears!
W! Abra-ka-Zebra: Pelt!Alizee Dark Purple[Y] Hikaru brown-purpleSevitare Dark PurpleElvira Dark Purple
STG: LIFE IS A ROCK[MP] Sexy BudBL| Red Plaid Fit RipsSnow Bunny Lingerie SetIndustrial: Ribbed Shrug
Alguien Especial
TaintedTemptress no tiene a alguien especial.
Lo que me interesa

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