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Avatar since: 23/11/2011

United States - ME
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Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
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Alguien Especial
i do love you courtnee and I want to be with you. without you id feel broken and I cant be like that. I only want you and if I lose you, then you take my heart with you. ill never date anyone in my life if your not my babe <3
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[G] Blue Shirt17' Full JORDAN Outfit 1rz. Open Suit White17' Full JORDAN Outfit 3[M] Vans SK8-HI
A. Lira Pant .weekend'Cst: Slim DenimJ'Class Tank Top"WC.Emiliano Orl Skin""WC.Mario Skin"
$) Jordan America BundleI love my wife necklacespacerspacerspacer
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