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The Juggalo Zodiac Quiz

You were born in the year of The Riddle Box. Which means you're extremely unpredictable.Relevant Years:1953, 1959, 1965, 1971, 1977, 1983, 1989, 1995, 2001. Most Compatible with The Wraith.
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Avatar desde: 2007-01-17
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"Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secrets untold."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

I like to screw around with people's heads. But I'm easy to get along with. I am a guy but noted above, I play around with people's heads. So sometime I use a girl avi. . . You've been warned.
Your Inner Vampire
First name
Shade of black
Favorite type of music
Type of chocolate
Your inner vampire resonates sheer power and bathes in the blood of millions
Its voice has multiple tones and ranges all at the same time
It is dormant because it knows its host will let it loose in due time
Its teeth drip liquid fire that rages through its victims veins
Bloodlust - 87%
This Quiz by catzoid - Taken 3690 Times.
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