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Avatar desde: 2007-11-27
Estados Unidos - FL
Última conexión:

"World changes, so do I. So to will eternity. "

Ver Mis Albumes (4)

My soul was once lite a blaze in a luminescent essences.. Fighting among the scourge of this worlds lust and greed, fighting to bring about peace to the corruption within the land.. A nightmare stretch before my eyes, as I gazed upon ashen spilt lands cleaved asunder. Fallen heroes and swine lay before the steely whispers that paved a scarlet road. Tearing the last dowery of humanity to forever fly in the endless gusts spreading far along their own ways.. I stand here now waiting for my equal to resurrect the damnified souls into redemption.. For I the fallen angel have wreaked sins onto human kind will now stand as a statue for my rectification, til my successor will bring a dawn to the new age… Let us never forget the righteously fallen…
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Alguien Especial
Tierd of all the bullshit, and I'm gonna live my life how I damn wanna, and I'd have to many people to list here... so if ya wanna know just ask
a href="http://s569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/ZyXeno/?action=view¤t=Playing_Hooky.jpg" target="_blank">PhotobucketPhotobucket
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[SaT]Raid Shoulder (R)Z. Error VISORError Sans Skull GlitchglitchedYoutube Player
TV / Glitch[Xu] Glitch Flatscreen[SaT]Ship Pipes animated[zuv.]industrial pipes4Rusty Sewer Pipe Bench
Sci-Fi Lover Kiss SphereCyber Mask Sculpture[luc] holo screen+ Sci Atlas +目Cyberpunk Visor
Black Onyx Jaw(FA)FireAuraM Red2殺 Cyborg Right HandJuggalo Tripp Pantsspacer
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