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Avatar since: 24/05/2007

Age: 32
United States - NM
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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
In order to be irriplacable one must be different; Love me from my toes to my thoughts, love me for who i am, all i need is your love, so love me ♥ Learn to live life to the fullest everyday and never take anything for granted, charish what you love and hold it close at heart, happiness is the secret to all beauty, there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness! Ello S U N S H I N E ! ♥ My name is Mia ♥ I am fifteen years of agee ♥ I am very mature for my age ♥ I attend Albuquerque High School ♥ I am very outgoing and very easy to get along with! ♥ First impressions mean everything to me so if you make a bad one i can gaurentee it will take a long time for me to get past it ♥ I absolutely H A T E drama and people who live for it ♥ I hate fake bitches that run their little mouths like their the shit ♥ I hate being called "sexy" so please dont! ♥ Get to know me before you run your mouths! (: ♥ I love to be with my friends and i know how to have an amazing time! ♥ Sometimes i give up easily ♥ Anything else you want to know just talk to me (: Read more: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Myspace Layouts Clouds Myspace Layouts
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!!RIPPED SHORTS F8.spacerspacerspacerspacer
Alguien Especial
Joel, he means alot to me :D
he is the most awesome person u cudd ever meet haha :D

always knows how to make my day :) ur the best :P

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