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Avatar since: 08/10/2005

Age: 41  18+ Edad Verificada Age Verified
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Live. Laugh. Love.

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Mi Sala

I am a childcare worker situated in the toddler room where it's great getting up going to "work" and enjoying what I do. Everyday is different. Everyday is fun. Everyday is rewarding.

I am totally addicted to caffeine. I simply cannot start my day without a cup of the liquidly goodness.

I would probably pee my pants with excitement if I ever met Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I believe in karma; what goes around, comes around.

I am the biggest Port Adelaide Power supporter around. I will love and support them no matter if we're on the top or bottom of the ladder!

I hold the biggest respect to all animal welfare groups (RSPCA, WSPA, WWF, etc) and donate to them whenever I can.

My favourite flower is the purple daisy, followed closely by the pink oriental lily.

Giant moths and clowns scare the fuck out of me.

I find cowboy hats a real turn on.

I love all things lavender. Skin creams, shower gels, bath bombs, candles, you name it.

I am fascinated with all things supernatural, especially vampires.

I am a huge fan of all scary movies. Take me to see a horror and you'll definitely score brownie points.

My favourite TV Shows include: Dexter, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Grimm and True Blood.

I am such a sucker for accents. Especially Kiwi, Irish, American and Canadian.

Any kind of animal abuse fucks me right off. Put me in a room with an abuser, and I will make them yelp. See how they like that.

I love winter. I love rain. I love snuggling up under the blankies with someone while listening to the roar of the thunder and lightning outside.

I am the biggest Buffy and Angel fan ever! I cried a few tears when they pulled the plug on both these shows. Thank god for the DVD box sets! *huggles them*

Music makes the world go around. My friends know the second I am around because their music gets turned up reeeeeeal loud.

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I enjoy the following developers:

0oPaRiSo0 | Anne0820 | Apoptosis | baraq | CaYzCaYz | Clearwing | DanielleSour | ExHsia | FlyGirlFly |

Kimi | Lilith | LIZIAAH | Lollirot | mischief | Mystery | Nikka77 | PH | Seena77

Smexy | thovarex | Tiigerlilly | x0xDiamond
Mi lista de deseos
Top w/Belt BlackTop w/Belt BeigeWardah RedBasic Style in Red-Smx: Gilani . Noir
E| Leopard Dress Grey(Ð) CityChic Black Jeans(Ð) Wild Bikini Leopard(Ð) Grey Skinny Jeansspacer
Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 1
visitors Visitantes 2420
kharma Regalos 7
generosity Generosidad 118


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