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Avatar desde: 2005-12-06
Edad: 38
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Seduce my mind, and you can have my body.... Touch my soul, and you can have me for an eternity."

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Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
Mi lista de deseos
its funny to think that most of the SKEEZERS who think that they are better than me arent and its funny to watch them show off dumb ass shit and as far as im concerned shit aint never what it seems BITCHES and with that said i say this u dont have to like me u dont even have to talk to me but YOU WILL RESPECT ME
[RGB] Red SophiaRed long hair{M} Julie Updo Red~MJ~ AMYA RED:+:DnG:+: Fire Red
Psycho Bitch HotPants[dj] evil clown bundle[Fly] Sexy Fishnet Top B[bz] Widowed Web RedBLACK SHORTS LACEY-SIDES
[$Q$] G-unot Shortsspacerspacerspacerspacer
Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 36
visitors Visitantes 3995
kharma Regalos 24
generosity Generosidad 150

Lo que me interesa
I am the Beautiful Nightmare the one u love to hate yet hate to love a young chic with an old soul, Im a very simple person but its my simplisticy that makes me so complex... I have little well I have no tolerance for stupid people they are just a simple waste of space....Im a ride or die kinda chic hard to know and yet hard to get rid of Im one of the truest friends youll ever know then one in a million type the ones u cant find anymore when I decide that u are trust worthy enough for me to call you a friend then its for life unless you do me wrong then im done with u....Im a Juggalette down with the clown til im dead in the ground if u dont know what it is dont bother to ask cause if you have to ask then you dont need to know Ive been down since Great Milenko and dont intend to ever change that cause i dont give a fuck if you like it or not its who I am so just deal with it ....I live my life minute by minute hour by hour and day by day never knowing what tomarrow will hold for me and i love it because as time has past one thing that i have learn in my life so far is that you cant live nor dwell in your past just like you cant plan and live in the future because in the end the present is all you have that is reality yea it sucks sometimes and lifes a bitch but life is what you make it if u live in the past and the future to much you will never have the life you want right now so thats what i do i live for today as if it was my last.....I do my dreaming with my eyes wide open cause thats just how i do.....this is who i am if you dont like it close the page and get the fuck on....catcha on the filp side....
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cherries420 no tiene a alguien especial.
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