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Avatar desde: 2005-12-28
Age: 45
Estados Unidos
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As you can see from the pictures to the right, I really tried to make this avatar look as much like me as possible. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to have a muscled avatar with a mild beer gut. Well, we work with what we can. I am a Chef, and a graduate of the Art Institute of Atlanta. I learned what I could concerning all things yummy and edible. Epicurian, one might say. I like to think that I'm still learning. To help pay my way through school, I worked as a bouncer for various different places, as well as cater whenever I could. Consequently, if you're in the area and need either of my services, feel free to leave me a message here. Either way, poke around and enjoy the site. :P
Estado Civil: Casado(a)
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Yeah guys... I'm hitting that. You may start being jealous... NOW!

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