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I don't really have a certain music genre;
I listen to anything thats got a good beat, and interesting...
I absolutely LOVE going to gigs...But needs to find ones to go to over the summer. Hoping to go to some really good festivals this year. Download, Reading or T4. Looks like I better start saving money :D

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name;- nikki
birthday;- may 9th
relationship;- indeed. INIT. :)

I'm not on imvu as much as I used to be.
Too busy with college work and jobs.
I'm a pretty open and talkative person, and can pretty much always have a laugh...
This is my first year of college as an AS students. Enjoying it so far, although it's becoming difficult to manage everything. I have also been getting a few jobs, which includes live-band photography and I am hoping to develop my skills further to become a decent photographer ;)
Absolutely love:

graphic design

Really would love to do either of these subjects as a job!!

I'd like to really apologize to people that have tried to talk to me, or invite in into conversations, it's not that I don't want to talk, I'm a pretty busy gurrrl at the moment. However, if people are wanting me to either make, avi pictures, avi art, banners, stickers. I'd be happy to help, as this would help me and my graphic design soooooo sooooooooooo much!! If you want to be able to have one of those products please message me, and i'll get back to you.. :)

Favorite Youtube Vid Right Now..
Marina and the Diamonds | Hollywood

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*-New top coming soon-*
*-New hair coming into the my catalog soon...pic updates will be submitted soon :)-*

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Halfway through exams right about now.. 3 more Graphics and Photography ones then off to do my sociology and history exams. What a stressful year. I think I may be dead of stress by next year..

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