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Alguien Especial
i3unBun no tiene a alguien especial.
I don't even know what to say. Every time I try to write a profile I end up sounding like a pretentious dyke. I like childish things, but I hate childish people. Cartoons are great, and so is chocolate milk. Sunshine and ska music make me happy. I speak my mind to the point of social retardation. Thank god people take 95% of what I say as a joke. I have a fear of baloons. I love my family, I love my friends and I love the smell of cheap cigarettes. The jist of it is, you should talk to me. If you seem interesting or you're attractive chances are I'll reply.
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Avatar desde: 2007-06-15
Edad: 31
Última conexión:

"Take no sh!t, do no harm"

Ver Mis Álbumes
Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
Mi lista de deseos
BL| AngeviL Skirt♥ flushed star brows♥ flushed tri brows♥ flushed spin brows♥ black heart brows
♥ black star brows♥ black sad brows♥ black tiny brows♥ black spiral brows♥ black tri brows
. binge bonez. steal bonezx Black Bindi Moon[D] White Rose Horns*kn* Sense female pierci
c̶ | NormalPeople[Anry] Diana Black Slim$ . The City Shades .[RC]BLIZZspacer
Mis nuevos productos Ver todo
Vexx;WinterBallisa;ScumIzabella - ScumCaramelSkin'WhiteTiger; FurkiniWhiteTiger; Tail (M/F)

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