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iEndlessBeauty no tiene a alguien especial.
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summεr oo9!♥;;
hawt dammit !;; it's amy ; call me shadiaツest.[92493) im what youu call a uhm, libra ! amazinqq♥. attend mchs ;; play soccer , volleyball ! standinq 5'4 with confidence outta this world ! maybee imitated but never duplicated ! i lovee how females stayy worried 'bout me and mines ! always doinq somethinq riqht ! ha. i'm one baddass(; comes second to none. not perfect but hiqhly above averaqe ! i'm that qirl ya mama never warned you about ! top notch classy chickk ; nothinq like his last and not worried 'bout the next ! god has truly blessed me ! [soccer=lifee) it's what i do best , [beast !) ((: knowleqe over emotions ! not here for your entertainment, brouqht into this world for a purpose and it wasn't to please youu ! youu dont like me ?? i'm used to it , that shit is mutual , now ask me if i qive a damn ! the fam[ily) means the world to me ! friends ;; don't really need 'emm , but i can truly say that i have a feww qood ones ! love is muh weakness ! i hatee a failure ! i quess that's why im married to success ! ohh yeahh , i'd appreciate it if youu wouldn't judqe me , especially if youu don't know me. youu only see what i choose too show youu , and imvu never has and never will define who i am ! but yeahh , when it's all said and done imma do me reqarless of what anyone has to say. i'm sorry , but your opinion isn't needed ! ha. imma beast , especially when it comes to puttinq unsanitary mess talkin chicks to shame. his main attraction. pshh , what can i say ?? i'm feelinq myselff just as much as he is. play this qame likee monoply and i dare a bxtch to land on myy property ! ha , point blankk ;; i does it to perfection(; Fakes ! Guest_lANil0VE, Guest_MiSzfiT, Guest_xXxPrincessAmyxXX ! not qunna qet violent ; but please take what DONT belonq to yu off yer paqe chus honestly its wack so quit it ! Add my myspace ; check my proof vidz . -
Playing : Classic mix
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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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iLy 7-17-09 =D
Jamal ! ohh qee yooh make me soo happy , we startinq all over aqain annd i'm hopinq it lasts chus i'm fallinq for yooh =D you're so cute annd charminq ; sumthinq like a daydream <3 you stay sexy =] haha just like me ! annd i'm really really excited to meet yooh =) iLy Jamal ♥ A + J
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J o i n My Group ! ! !
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iWant ( ♥ ] Like This <3
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