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one man wrecking machine

My Mind

well who i am is one you have to figure out your self but the basic i will tell you the rest you just have to find out on your own. well for starter the things i dislike for examples women who are sluts and liars can leave this page right now cause i wont have it,men who are the same as the first can do the same,i don’t like being disrespected so please if you have some common sence please use it,and lastly i dislike women or men who try to gain some attention by either starting some problems or telling everyone they are going to kill them self is rather annoying,but one thing is the most important is to never ever hurt those i care about and bring close to me in my heart that is one mistake i won’t let you ever forget in your whole life .the things that i do enjoy is people who are kind , smart and caring, people with common sences and who are ravished and abit classy but not so much they are too stuck up. my hobbies are cooking a meals for friend family,reading a book,writing poetry ,writing songs and drawing or painting pictures.i am as well in to anime from books to shows to cosplays its a big part of my life and my favorite kinds of music are metal,rock,and techno.From this point on if you want to know more just chat with me.

The Fallen

For all those who i left and never really said goodbye this is for you,im sorry this had to changes i enjoyed your company these past months or years i will miss all the subject we talked about day in and day out, the smiles the laughter and tears that we went through it sadness and break my heart to leave you for whatever reason it is but know this i will never forget you and cherish all the memories that are in my head they will forever be there and will never disppeaer even if you will forget me in the long run or even grow to hate me i will always care and love each and everyone one of you as long as i breath and hopefully in a future life we will be better people and meet again and stay together longer than we did in are past lives and have more happy memories together.<3Tina<3november<3 Natalie<3dany<3chey<3risa<3misa<3alicia<3Rachel<3etc<3


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it isnt really your bussines but well i do have someone in my life


~Father To Be~ “As time marches forward my eyes narrow opening to the light my body grows calm and my heart stop without a single tears flow and my breath stiffen my body shakes and my head is spinning.the cold sweat and the shake of my hand as i look back i just saw a ears are up and open, the sounds of life are growing from seconds to minutes as ever louder as my eyes drop down to hers i see now as my worries are over and a smiles growns on my face i know am a father”


“its always darkest when it reach to dawn”


~isnt it sad that the people you know?are now the people you knew?When you walk past someone and they walk past you like they were never a part of your you were able to talk to them for hours day and night,now you cant even look at each's sad how times change?~

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