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Avatar desde: 2007-06-06
Age: 55
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Love Me or Hate Me!! Do I Care??"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Estado Civil: En una Relación
Buscando Por: Amistad
Alguien Especial
Queen of Inari!!! One of my 2 best friends in the world. We got of to a rocky start but became closer than just best friends, THIS WOMAN IS MY SISTER!! Where you find one of us, the other is not far behind!!! I LOVE YOU B!!!!!!!!
Mi lista de deseos

[Angel]Celtic Pillowpuff(D) Chariot Lion Egypt|CS| Seductive Poses - F*VN™ CONTROLRC Velvet Crop Delux Gry
[Sx]Dlux Boots [S]SYN-PVC-MaliceGothDollieHot PVC Boots PurpleDeeViously*Regal Kickz*S falloutfit
DeeViously*Chained*Vamp*VN™ REVIOUS{EMOTIONS}ROs DRAGON'S Blue Sp*VN™ SECKSAY!spacer
Mis atuendos View latest

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