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Avatar since: 02/05/2006

Age: 46  18+ Edad Verificada Age Verified
United States - GA
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Testiment of my insanity!!

BoSsY - BiTcHy - SiLly - SaRcaStiC - StuBbOrN - CrAzY - PaSsIoNaTe - PoiSoNouS - DoMinAnt - Voyuer - NoCtUrnAl -

Theres not much more to say..

Name: Jeni
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Blonde

>Is a Mother
>has a 11 yr old son..
>apparently a grunger!! :(
>loves Scary Movies!!
>loves all types of music...
>loves V8...
>loves hair dye..
>loves tattoos & piercings..
>has 1 tat(wants more)and 10 piercings..heh..
>is very open-minded
>can be immature at times
>still living in tha 80's..
>is a comment whore
So Leave me a comment....

>Is an Army Brat..
>Grandfathers,Father,Uncles,Brother all proudly serve in tha Navy, Army, and tha Marines!!

Support Our Troops!!!

Bush's Last Day: 1/20/09

>Dominant in relationships.
>Always wants the last word.
>Great dancer
>Awesome kisser
>Not the one to fuck with.....

"To be loved is to be fortunate, to be hated is to achieve distinction"

Some Advice
Never *Cater 2* a man who is tryin to get your *Laffy Taffy*, get * Naked*, *Grind on You*, *Whisper in Ya Ear*, *Play With Your Mind*, * Slow Wind* or *Whistle at Ya*. You will be *Sittin Home* * Teary Eyed* sayin you *Should Have Cheated*. Find a man that tells you that you are a *Sweet Lady*, Wants to do the *Things Your Man Won't Do*, goes *Halfcrazy* when you arent there, he* Never Felt This Way* about lovin, that he was *Made to Love You* and that his *House is Not A Home* without you there because you are his *Superstar*! That kinda love will have people sayin **Must Be Nice**! remember i lush all yall bunches!!!!

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind". --Dr.Seuss

Dreamchat: 18+ please.. Sign in with YOUR Imvu name only!! Thx

"I love it how some people that don't know me personally have all these different views and opinions on me. People really love to judge a book by it's cover and it makes me laugh at how some people have that whole I'm-so-hardcore-and-so-much-more-punk-than-you image down to a tee, yet they are really only a little wimp. People love to judge me only from the photos they see, but let me tell you something about photos....they don't say much about a person at all.
P.S.-I hate to say this but I will fucken slam you if you fuck with me. Give me respect, I give you it? let's go have a cigarette.....xox"

Mi lista de deseos
More pictures coming soon!! Still Uploading!! >:)

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ninac no tiene a alguien especial.
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