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Avatar desde: 2006-07-07
Age: 42
Estados Unidos - AZ
Última conexión:

"Back from the dead and better than ever!"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Buscando por: Conversación

If you heard something about me, it's probably true. If you suspect something of me, it probably isn't.

When I'm bored and looking for someone to chat with, I scroll through my comments and find someone cool. ;)
Alguien Especial
teraMike no tiene a alguien especial.
Lo que me interesa
Music, Computers, Physics, Writing, Fitness, Films, Marketing, Parties! Partying? Yes. Friends. Beer. More friends. And music.
Mis grupos ¡Revisa los grupos de IMVU!
teraMike doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
¡Mira a algunos grupos de IMVU! Comparte lo que te da la interés, lo que has hecho, consejos, chisme, historias, cualquier cosa y todo!
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The cool ones leave messages.
Mi Sala
Mi lista de deseos
Feel free to buy this crap for me if you're so inclined, but frankly, it's only here so I remember to buy it for myself.

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