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Alguien Especial
X3 We started out as just friends, then we became besties, now we're way more than that, we're together & if feels like heaven on earth words aren't enough to describe how much I love her, I could say "I love you." ten-trillion times & it still wouldn't be enough to show how much I love you Dark

I Love You Now & Always
Mi lista de deseos
B92 Emo Overshirt Blk[DS]TakeOFF&Jeans[S] BW Emo Kiss[O] Punix[O] Fatih
Ç~ Black/Rnbw Athena[FB]Sexy Black Jeans[O] KaI'M_batmanshort[SD] BADA JAZZ (action)
[GZ] Pkmn Pikachu Pket MSB Rainbow Swing BlackRainbow Star Tank TopRainbow StockingsRainbow Plaid Skirt
RLove Petite Shy Avatar[:3]GummiCatSounds (F)Rainbow Whiskers!!!spacerspacer

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