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Avatar desde: 2007-06-13
Age: 35 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
Estados Unidos - Illinois
Última conexión:

"☠Open your mind before your mouth☠"

Ver Mis Álbumes
Don't be too sure you want to get to know me. I will most likely leave you pleading for mercy and release from my death like grip on your mind. Everyone thinks they know and understand me. If only you could see what goes on inside my head, hear the things I hear, think the things I think. It would drive any "average guy" insane. I could be insane already for all I know. And if I am, then so be it. Lock me in that padded cell. Watch me bounce off the walls in a maniacal fit of laughter. Shoot me up with those sedatives. It isn't going to change me. I'm dark, twisted, morbid. A borderline sociopath stuck in an endless loop of false dignity and hopeless destiny. If after this you decide you want to make an acquaintanceship, maybe even a friendship, with me, then go right ahead. But I will tell you this much. People make me sick. And if you dare say "But you are a person too." I will slice you with a rusted blade. I know this. I'm not some daft fool that tries to fit in by hating people without reason. Today's society is so sickening I'm surprised I haven't tried putting a bullet to my skull to rid myself off this putrid planet. If you think you can handle me, bring it on. I may be the very epitome of insanity and mental instability.
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Alguien Especial
I will forever love you into the cosmos. You are my world. I love you babe.
Mi lista de deseos
Love Marks| Love swing 4PosesCuddle ChairGray Tank TopLoving You
Owl Jeans Necklace Emo[Az] Jed Blk w/ SnapbackEmo Male(c) Prince Scimitar ~RT~Bloody!Legs
Ganster Suspenders0 | Bow Collar MOK - The Red Eye!B! Forever Hisrz. Elegant Suit Vest R
✘ Open Shirt. 4New Years Suit '5Blood Red EyesChest Tattoospacer
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