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Avatar since: 02/14/07

Age: 35
United States - NY
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Hey guys! my profiles gunna be underconstruction for a couple of days so leave a message & say hi! =]
I find it dumb when my heart beats my mind.
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Oh Baby, Bite your knuckles.
and keep your arms closed. Because i won't be you'res forver.

h e e e l l o.

i ' m a s h l e y.


i ' v e l i v e d 6,208 d a y s.
do the math.
i don't look or act like it that much.

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"ashley will fuck you like a star" -MarkVarrino;07'

i don't need you, or anyone else, to like the things i do.
because quite frankly, i don't care.
i don't waste my time worrying about stupid things.

i gigglesnort. x=

i'm iTALiAN & SPANiSH. not my natural hair color!
strawberry frappachinos [starbucks]

My Familia is my entire world.
fuck with them you fuck with me.
Blood is thicker than water skanks.

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I'm very very, strongly opinionated.

I have learned to live my life to the fullest because it's all I have.

I am fully against the government and all it stands for,
America's government is completely and utterly fucked up.

"I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals"

it's a shame that this world is overflowing
with such ignorant, closed minded people.
i promise i'm not one of them.

i truely admire intelligence.

Attention to anyone who owns a penis: I'm single & tired of it.
I need someone who gets me. Who knows what im thinking when im saying nothing at all. Someone to make me smile & laugh so hard im about to cry. & someone who wouldn't lie to me about anything, even if it hurts to tell me the truth. But if your intentions of talking to me are to fuck me over & get in my pants, you better re-think that now before reading on.

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i'm tough,
and anything but emotional.

please stop asking why i chose my name to be
"Ashely Insanity."
people, i didn't choose it
its my real last name u fucktards
Ashley monique alexandria maria bonita Insanity.
my full name.
so please stop asking

"Thats what Ashley Said." -Amy W,07;

I love JOKES, expeshally blonde jokes
people making complete idiots of themselves, i envy u.
&& guys who can make me laugh, marry me. =]

new york is where i belong.
&& therefore live with my two amazing skanks.

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i'd like to think i'll be one of the few people
who wont screw you over.
i kind of seem like a bitch over the internet.
im not in person though, i promise.
i just have trouble tolerating certain types of people.
i'm sorry if your one of them.

good advice for the majority of the people i know
is to get the fuck over yourselves and
stop ego tripping.


i'm known to be a "Mental Terrorist."
ffs. not my fault they can't control their urges.

i'm down for a goodd time.

bl0nd3 hair and astigzz<3

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1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
i think it's time to quit having hero's and start becoming them.

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I am the beginning to your end and the start of something beautiful. I am your worst regret who taught you everything you need to know. I am unforgettable and completely addictive. I am real.

^-- Scroll Me Babyy --^
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Lo que me interesa
don't ask me something stupid when you can find out for yourself on my page:
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Young but smart, classy but sexy: Follows trends but with a n unique twist on whatever it is. I will not be told what to do, What to where, Where to go, & who to love. I get really deep into thought in my hp, & just do amazing stupid things on camera for your entertainment. I'm really, really easy to get along with, I don't expect anything of you except to be yourself.
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I know I'm going to die
someday. according to a psycic, at a very young age. So I guess thats in between now & 25... Wouldn't be surprised if its because of alcohol poising or something. I wouldn't want a funeral. More like a party, to celebrate good memories. I'd wouldn't want my age mentioned, & "Famous Last Words" would be the only song any one would be able to listen to to rememorize me. I believe in after-life. <3
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Second Chances
People are different. No one is the same. There are a quite a handfull of people in this World. For example, there are the people who forgive & forget. I used to be one of those people. Then theres the people -people like me now- who dont. Who have absolutley no motivation what so ever, so let go of something that truly hurt them. All I have tos ay is that there are another two groups of people. Theres the People who are backstabbing "friends". Answer me this: If your best friend chose their girlfriend/boyfriend over YOU what would YOU do when they come back? Welcome them with open arms? I dont think so! This person made a CHOICE before, they have brains, "hrrrm should I choose my bestfriend of six months over a boy/girlfriend of the month?" Is the choice REALLY that hard? Should it REALLY be that hard? Answer: No. & when things arent as amazing-in-love as they were before, they come back. Its THEN they realice the mistake they made. Im not holding on to this situation, its disappeared from my life. They bothdont exist to me anymore. They showed me the perfect example of what a best friend DOESNT do. Id rather not accept you back into my life, in fear That youll become close to me again. I dont want you too. Your unhealthy for me. Im glad you realice YOUR mistake, And im glad you realice wat YOU threw away. I hold no grude, I hold no beef tards you or him: Because you dont exist to me anymore. Id say something nice like Maybe over time our gaps will heal. But it wont. Oh, trust me. It wont. They say Once a cheater, Always a cheater. Or, Once a hoe, always a hoe. Well I go by: Once a horrible friend, Always a horrible friend. & I dont know if it will or wont happen again & I dont want it too. Thanks But No Thanks. Things WONT be the same.
Second Chances--- They dont e x i s t.

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Lets get drunk & fuck & forget it in the morning.
Theres SUCH a difference between Making Love & FUCKING. You can even hear the difference in the context; People dont realice it that often, but sex isnt just sex. Its either FUCKING or making love, & Im sick to death of FUCKING. Fucking is Fucking, theres no point to it. Yeah I look like the fucking type, but Im not. Suck it.

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Daddys Little Girl
Sheilded behind a pretty face & an amazing life.. I still have these thoughts and pretty often. Sure were pretty much grown ups now. With jobs, Lifes, Boyfriends, what-the-fuck-ever.
But I still think about my past life. & how I wish I was able to experience a mom & a dad for my teenage years. I love my sisters and brother with every bone-in-my-body. I wish I was able to wear that shirt my friend bought me for my 7th birthday, Daddys Little Girl.
I think after that is when I realized I didnt really have a dad. I guess in some ways its REALLY fucked me up in the head to some extent. Its all good though. I wouldnt change a LICK of anything thats happened in my life. In fear things would be different and played differently. I wouldnt change a god damned thing. But i still cant help but to wonder what it would of been like. I am the strongest hardest bitch but sometimes, Sometimes i cant help but to think about how life would be different now. Id probably been to boarding school or something fucking ridiculous like that. I probably wouldnt have been a grown up by the time I was 12, and lastly.. I wouldnt be pretty much on my own. I wouldnt be independant strong person I am today. I think im just blabbing on about meer nothings just everything thats running in my head at the moment Im typing, Brain to Fingers.

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Up ahead there was a curv approaching, She made no indacations of slowing down.
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No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' A single green vine shoot is able to grow through cement. The Pacific Northwestern salmon beats itself bloody on it's quest to travel hundreds of miles upstream against the current, with a single purpose, sex of course, but also... life.
Mi lista de deseos
DON'T COPY STICKERGLOMOSOURUS*L* Just an Angel..*Pc* Jumper In white` Such a Shame
[8O8] Ghetto Fabulous*Pc* Blonde Diva Punka[!S] Black Monstuh Furr$R PUNK@$$ Lashes[S.D.]Pretty autumn!!^.^
` MUAH, kissBad A** Dorks[OKB]Christmas GirlLittle Pandaspacer

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